Presbyterian Churches are led by a group of elders. This name comes from the Greek word for elder: "Presbyter." Our church currently has a Session of three Ruling Elders and one Teaching Elder (Pastor). According to the Bible, an Elder must be a man of spiritual maturity and high Christian character. The Elder is charged to serve as an Under-Shepherd that cares for and watches over the church. They do so as men who will have to give an account one day to the Lord.
We do not currently have Deacons, but we trust that the Lord will raise them up in His good time. Deacons serve the needs of church members and take care of church facilities. Deacons also have the task of encouraging the members of the church body to use the gifts that they have for the good of the church.
Pastor (Teaching Elder): Craig Jones
Ruling Elders: Bill Galloway- Clerk, David Anderson, Bruce McCoy